Monday, February 23, 2009

The PPP's Red Carper Oscar Picks

Well another Oscar night is over and when all was said and done there were really no surprises for the PPP. All our main picks were chosen and we were happy that "Slumdog Millionaire" won for best picture especially when there was a point when they thought it would go straight to dvd.

Hugh Jackman did a good job but we did not like the Beyonce duet as we are not fans of her and we don't understand why she always has to sing the Oscars songs. And if I hear her sing, "At Last" again I am going to pull a Etta James and go mad dog on her big butt.

So since Mr.Blackwell is now dead I PP would like to fill his shoes and give my top five best and worst dressed at the Oscars. As I have trained under the tuterlage of my Uncle Adrian for "Metrosexual Dog in Training" Here are my top picks:

Best Dressed

Penelope Cruz was my favorite of the night in her vintage Pierre Balmain dress although I think her performance was overrated as the stereotypical "mad artist".

Marisa Tomei's Versace dress was perfect along with her hair, makeup and jewelry. She already won an award so I didn't feel so bad when she didn't win. She looks good for being in her early forties. Like my mom. I remember her in "A Different World".

Tilda Swinton is simply splendid and fashion forward as usual. She is such a strong woman figure.

Anne Hathaway's dress was very beautiful and intricate. Her makeup could have been less wholesome. Yes I am officially a metrosexual dog. Thanks Uncle Adrian!

Perfection! I wish she would have worn some color as when she does she knocks it out of the park. She is the most beautiful woman in the world and the magnificent emeralds she had on were the perfect pop of color for her all black ensemble.

Worst Dress

Why was she there? What was she wearing? That's all I have to say for Miley.

Okay Philip, we get it, you are an individual artist and therefore must wear a skull cap in 80 degree weather to separate you from the crowd as if your weight doesn't do that already.

She looks like she was surrounded by a bolt of silk and then had it pin tied, I don't care if it's Prada.

I like Amy Adams but she looks like she arose from the Red Carpet and the jewelry bib is too large for her.


This is exactly how I expected Mickey Rourke to look like, himself.

Kate Winslet's YSL didn't really knock me off my seat and the color didn't catch my imagination.

King and Queen of the Prom. Eat your heart out Jen and John.

Freida Pinto looked nice as the dress and hairdo was inspired by India but I've seen her look more special.

So those were my picks, agree or disagree, like I said I learned to be a critic from the best, my Uncle Adrian.

Ciao for now!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Third Time is a Charm! Pammy Anderson Marries Again!

Wow! Is she a hopeless romantic, stupid or just has bad judgement when it comes to husbands? Shouldn't you have more in common with your husband besides having the top rated celebrity sex tapes? She has children! He was married to Sharon Doherty! Isn't she friends with Paris Hilton? Does everyone only sleep with everyone else's sex partners in Hollywood? At least Paris Hilton has the decency to pick fresh meat at hostels. Did I just give Paris Hilton a complement?

Anyway third time was a charm for my mother, so who knows...

Birth of a Blog

And like any birth its messy and I am clueless on what to do next.

It has taken a long time to do this as I have put off starting a blog for over a year now. It is the perfect medium for a useless gift I have had ever since I was a little girl, the gift of retaining completely useless information. Do you too have this gift (curse)? I would study memorizing theorems for hours but just tell me the birthweight of a celebrity's baby and it is etched in my brain FOREVER!! Why o why this gift? I can't sing, dance, or show anyone any type of talent that one can show off in a paegeant but I am forever correcting people when they try to speak about celebrity gossip as they often miss the bulleyes and don't know what they are speaking about. I could only imagine of what they must think of my intelligence level. I do have a life.

I am focusing this blog on Celebrity Love Lives, or more specific Celebrity Lust Lifes as I find this topic to have a cornucopia of information. A bottomless well. A thesis on Britney's love choices is not what we are about here. Short, funny, bitchy responses are what I seek.

So let's see what happens...